Richard Vanderhurst_Excellent Iphone Tips That Are Simple And Anyone Can Use

Perhaps you have a new iPhone and you are ready to load it with a bunch of cool apps. However, how do you know where to find them? Fortunately, you will learn how to do just that and much more in the article that follows.

To dry an iPhone that’s wet, use rice. No matter how much care you take, your phone may slip into water, or even get rained on. If this happens, use a soft towel to dry your iPhone and place it in a bowl of rice. Let it dry overnight.

You can take pictures with your headphone cord as well. Hold your hands steady and once you have the shot lined up, click the button on your cord. The phone isn’t shaken when you do this and your photos will look good.

Siri allows you to set reminders based on your location. If you were used to giving Siri time-based commands, you can instead switch to location-based commands to make things easier. You can tell Siri to remind you to give work a call when you get home. This adds another layer of customization to your iPhone. Now the phone will be able to detect when you’re at home instead of relying on the time. That way, if you are unsure of what time you will arrive home, you will still receive a reminder.

Switching from web browsing to placing a call on your iPhone doesn’t take more than a single tap. For instance, assume you’re searching for dry cleaners nearby. When you locate the number, there is no need to head to the phone area to dial the number. Instead, simply press your finger onto the number you want to call and you’ll be connected instantly.

You should now have a much better idea of what you can do to personalize your iPhone. You will be able to find, download, and use your applications on your phone. Practice applying what you’ve learned and you’ll be an iPhone app expert in no time.

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