Are you aware of mobile marketing? Have you created your own personal marketing plan? If so, do you want to improve it? Is your current marketing plan working with or against your business? Are you using your mobile marketing plan to your advantage? If you cannot answer these questions confidently, look at the tips below.
You can keep an eye on your own progress by making sure your mobile marketing recipients have a good system in place for leaving feedback. It doesn’t matter whether the feedback is negative or positive. All customer feedback can help you improve.
Make sure that your mobile marketing efforts work across all of the potential platforms your customers will use. Your messages should be equally clear on iPhone, Android, and Blackberry devices. Remember, it’s easier to make one simple message to all your platforms rather than a custom-fit message to each one. The KISS principle shows up strong in mobile marketing.
If you make it easy to share your mobile marketing, your clients probably will. Prior to polishing your promotions, make absolute certain that they are simple to forward to others and even include some incentive to the original recipient for doing so and you will have an instant ad booster!
Find out all you can about your audience. Know what your target audience responds to before you start designing a mobile marketing plan. Are they bigger mobile users than home computer users? What type of operating systems do they use on their phones? Find out all you can about those you wish to reach, so that you can reach them.
Provide a product or service of perceived value to the appropriate demographic. When using mobile marketing, you should ensure that the information that you send is valuable to your intended audience. If you are looking for business executives, then you could send out vouchers to fine dining places. If you are targeting a family customer, you could provide a special offer that extends an exclusive benefit to children.
Your customers come first. Knowing the goals and desire of your buyers is the fundamental principle of mobile marketing. If you cannot get a handle on what it is your customer wants, you will not make any gains from them. In order to succeed, you must be willing to learn all about them.
Use multiple tools to promote your mobile campaign. You can advertise on social media websites, on your business website and even at your physical location. This should give your marketing campaign the widest possible reach and attract a variety of different potential customers.
Be sure to test mobile websites and ads on multiple mobile devices. Mobile devices are equipped with a variety of browsers, as well as resolutions and screen sizes. Your website and content might look different on each device. Be sure to cover the most commonly used mobile devices.
Try sending out emails compatible with mobile devices to keep your email marketing campaign effective as possible. Make phone numbers click friendly so that smartphone users can start calls right from your messages. Make sure any links you include lead to mobile friendly pages, too. Every day, more people are reading their email on a cell phone, so be sure to keep this in mind when designing your campaign.
Be sure to add a promo code to all your outgoing messages. Customers who receive a message that includes an incentive like a discount, are more inclined to visit your site to see what you have to offer.
Consider using a test market to try out your mobile app before going live with it. This will help you to be sure that the app is something your customers can use and appreciate. If your app doesn’t have an obvious usefulness, customers won’t download it and it won’t help your business at all.
Clarity and simplicity are the keys to a good campaign. If you lessen the amount of clicks, it will boost your success, and you will have to do less. It is hard to type well on small, mobile keypads. For this reason, you want to use text messaging in your campaign only when it is essential.
Cross-platform compatibility is essential in attracting more customers when taking on a mobile marketing campaign. Unless it works well with all of the most common devices on the market, you will risk losing out on thousands of prospective customers.
If you plan on adding SMS to go along with your mobile marketing, be sure that you are honest about how many texts you will be sending out, and that you are set up with an opt-in mechanism. Improperly used SMS can backfire against you. It can annoy people and feel intrusive. Make sure your customers have signed up for the service so they do not feel annoyed and be honest. Making promises and keeping them builds trust among your consumers.
Social media reigns supreme on the mobile devices of most users, so it is essential to make it a part of your marketing plan. Rewarding customers who share a TwitPic or who forward deals to friends is a great way to expand your customer base. This sort of participation harmlessly co-opts your existing customers into your marketing effort.
Do a test on usability. Make sure your customers can look at the things you have sent them. Limit your testing over specific devices and set up a testing account where you can ensure they are coming through correctly. You can have employees, family or friends be your testing group.
If you are having a big event or a sale on your site and you have a great mobile marketing list, send out a reminder a couple of hours before the event kicks off unless this is going to fall at early morning hours. It will give your clients a gentle nudge and remind them that you have an event happening that they may be interested in.
Are you more informed when it comes to mobile marketing? Do you have a new plan or a better plan now? Can you now use things that work with your business? Do you know how to properly apply your plan? With any luck, the tips above should have created better answers.